
Saturday, August 22, 2015

How To Apply for a pag-IBIG Loyalty Card

Last March, the Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card was initially launched in Metro Cebu. Finally, it is now available nationwide.

The Pag-ibig Loyalty Card is different from the Universal Multipurpose Identification (UMID) card as it can also be used for various transactions with Pag-IBIG, it also doubles as a cash card linked with the Land Bank of the Philippines.
If you have applied for loan, the proceeds could be released through the loyalty cards. Through the cash card, each member could withdraw their loans using their debit card as well as other refundable transactions with the fund.
The debit card may also be conveniently used in shopping transactions and in availing of up to 10 to 20 percent special discounts and rewards in various establishments. Just present your card to any partners to receive these rewards.
Read more details and benefits of the Pag-IBIG loayalty card here.


1. Should have an exsiting Pag-IBIG Fund Memebership ID (MID) Number. If you don't have an MID yet, you may apply at Pag-IBIG Fund website.
2. P100.00 for the card fee


Step 1. Fill up Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card Application Form.

Step 2. Submit your Loyalty Card application form to enrollment kiosks of Pag-IBIG Fund branch nearest you.

Step 3. Settle the P 100.00 card fee at Pag-IBIG branch Cashier.

Step 4. Have your picture taken, validate your information and sign in the signature tablet.

Step 5. You will receive your Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card either pick-up at Pag-IBIG branch or deliver to your registered address within 45 days. Delivery of card is free of charge.

You may also apply at the convenience of your office! Your company may request Pag-IBIG Loyalty Card enrollment kiosks to be up at your office.

Note that the Loyalty Card is NOT recognized as valid ID in doing transactions with other government agencies. The use of loyalty card is solely for Pag-IBIG related transactions only.

Do you find this post helpful? Have you tried applying in Pag-IBIG loyalty card? Share your experience in the comment box!

How to Check PhilHealth Contributions

There are several ways you can check your PhilHealth premium payments and check if your payments reflected and remitted by your employer.


1. PIN (PhilHealth Identification Number)
2. Valid email address


1. Phone Inquiry - Call PhilHealth's call center hotline and request for a copy of your contributions. Provide your information when speaking to their representative. 

2. Email Inquiry - Send an email request to Provide your name, birthday, contact number, PIN and your Employment history. In my experience, they reply to me same day I sent a mail to them.

3. PhilHealth Office - Visit the nearest PhilHealth office near you and proceed to Collection Section to request for a copy of your premium contribution history.

4. Online Inquiry - Follow below steps in order to view your contributions online.

Step 1. Register your account to Philhealth's website

Step 2. Provide you basic information. Fields marked asterisk are required. Click "Submit Registration" once completed.
Step 3. You will receive a successful registration message. Click "OK" to proceed.

Step 4. Go to your email account and open the mail from PHILHEALTH about your registration. Click the activation link to activate your registration.

Step 5. Your account is now activated. 
Step 6. Log in to go to access your account.
Step 7. Click the icon to view your Premium Contributions.
Step 8. Copy or print the generated report of your contributions as your file. The report also displays your and your employer's information, your and your employer's contribution. and the total number of your contributions.

Do you find this post useful? Have you tried any of the three methods above?

Sunday, April 5, 2015

How To Apply for a Postal ID

A Postal ID verifies the identity and address of a recipient of letters or parcels through the mail. It can also be used to apply for other government IDs and a valid proof of identity and address. The old paper-based postal ID costs around P350.00 (ID card, lamination, documentary stamp, notary), and is valid for 5 years. 
Old Postal ID
In case you still have the old ID, it will remain valid up to its date of expiration. If you are going to apply with the new postal ID, you need to surrender your valid old postal ID and receive corresponding discounts.

On February 3, 2015, the Philippine Post Office announced the opening of 260 capturing sites that process applications for the new and improved Postal ID. The new postal ID gives people access to many public services and opportunities. Unlike the requirements for obtaining Driver's license, PRC license, SSS or GSIS card, Postal ID do not need special skill, qualification or employment. It is a government-issued ID card that is most available to all.
New Postal ID


1. Proof of identity - Submit any one (1) of the following:
  • Birth Certificate (NSO or Local Civil Registry issued)
  • UMID card
  • Driver's License
  • Valid Passport
In the absence of any of the above proof of identity, you may submit ANY TWO (2) supporting documents, at least one of which should bear your photo and signature (valid paper-based postal ID, valid NBI/Police clearance, Old SSS/GSIS card, OWWA ID, valid PRC ID, Digitized BIR/TIN ID, valid Seaman's book, valid IBP ID, valid Voter's ID, valid Company ID, Senior Citizen ID, Baptismal Certificate, Marriage Contract, valid University/School/Alumni ID, Form 137 for minor applicants)

2. Proof of Address - Submit any one (1) of the following:
  • Barangay Certificate of Residency
  • Utility Bill (electicity, water, telephone, cell phone)


Step 1. Fill up Postal ID application form.

Step 2. Submit application form with the required documents to any Post Office.

Step 3. Settle P414.40 for the card fee. This includes postal ID card + delivery charge of P370.00 and 12%VAT of P44.40.

Step 4. Have your picture taken, validate your information and sign in the signature tablet to any postal ID capturing sites.

Step 5Wait for the delivery. Keep the acknowledgement slip returned to you.  You might use it as proof when claiming ID, in case of delayed on delivery.

Your new postal ID will be delivered to your doorstep. The delivery lead time is approximately 5 working days in Metro Manila, 7 working to other major cities and municipalities, and 15 working days to island provinces and remote barangays. It took one and a half months before my postal ID arrived. 

Did you find this post useful? Have you tried getting a postal ID? Share us your thoughts and experience in the comment box.

Monday, February 23, 2015

How to Compute for Overtime Pay

The COLA shall not be included in the computation of overtime pay. The minimum overtime pay rates vary according to the day the overtime work is performed.

Overtime is calculated using below formula
Overtime Pay = Overtime Rate x number of hours OT work  
The computation for Overtime Rate is as follows:

Ordinary day Overtime 

Overtime Rate = Hourly Rate x 125%
Illustration: An employee's hourly rate is P 103.45. His ordinary day overtime rate is

Overtime Rate = P 103.45 x 1.25
Overtime Rate = P 129.31

Overtime Pay = P 129.31 x 4 hours OT
Overtime Pay = P 517.25

Rest Day (Sunday) and Special Holiday Overtime

Overtime Rate = Hourly Rate x 169%
Illustration: An employee's hourly rate is P 103.45. His rest day overtime rate is

Overtime Rate = P 103.45 x 1.69
Overtime Rate = P 174.83

Overtime Pay = P 103.45 x 4 hours OT
Overtime Pay  = P 699.32

Special Holiday and at the same time Rest Day Overtime

Overtime Rate = Hourly Rate x 195%
Illustration: An employee's hourly rate is P 103.45. His overtime rate is

Overtime Rate = P 103.45 x 1.95
Overtime Rate = P 201.73

Overtime Pay = P 201.73 x 4 hours OT
Overtime Pay = P 806.91

Regular Holiday Overtime

Overtime Rate = Hourly Rate x 260%
Illustration: An employee's hourly rate is P 103.45. His overtime rate is

Overtime Rate = P 103.45 x 2.60
Overtime Rate = P 268.97

Overtime Pay = P 268.97 x 4 hours OT
Overtime Pay = P 1,075.88

Regular Holiday and at the same time Rest Day Overtime

Overtime Rate = Hourly Rate x 338%
Illustration: An employee's hourly rate is P 103.45. His overtime rate is

Overtime Rate = P 103.45 x 3.38
Overtime Rate = P 349.66

Overtime Pay = P 349.66 x 4 hours OT
Overtime Pay = P 1,398.64

Regular Holiday and at the same time Rest Day Overtime

Overtime Rate = Hourly Rate x 338%
Illustration: An employee's hourly rate is P 103.45. His overtime rate is

Overtime Rate = P 103.45 x 3.38
Overtime Rate = P 349.66

Overtime Pay = P 349.66 x 4 hours OT
Overtime Pay = P 1,398.64

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

How To Compute for Hourly Rate

Hourly rate is used in determining overtime pay and night differential. Hourly rate is computed using the following formula:
Hourly Rate = Daily rate / total working hours per day

For Monthly-Paid Earners

Example: Employee has a monthly rate of P 18,000.00 and is working Mondays to Fridays, 8 hours a day.

The employee's Daily rate can be determined using the formula here.

Daily Rate = (P 18,000.00 x 12) / 261 
Daily Rate = P 827.59

Hourly Rate = P 827.59 / 8 hours
Hourly Rate = P 103.45

For Daily-Paid Earners

Example: Employee has a daily rate of P 550.00 and is working 8 hours a day.

Hourly Rate = P 550.00 / 8 hours
Hourly Rate = P 68.75

Simple isn't it? Try to compute your hourly rate and share your thoughts in the comment box!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

How to Compute for Daily Rate

There are several methods on how to determine the daily rate for monthly-paid employees. This varies depending on the number of working days of an employee.

Assuming an employee has a monthly income of P 20,000.00. His Daily Rate will be:

1. If he is required to work everyday, including Sundays or rest days, special days and regular holidays

Daily Rate = (Monthly Income x 12 months) / factor 393.50 days/year
where factor 393.50 days/year  = A + B + C + D
where A =  298 ordinary working days (365 days/year -12 regular holiday - 52 rest days - 3 special holidays)
         B =  24 regular holidays (12 regular holidays x 200%)
         C =  67.6 rest days (52 rest days x 130%)
         D =  3.90 special days (3 special days x 130%)

Daily Rate = (P 20,000.00 x 12) / 393.50
Daily Rate =  P 609.91

2. If he is not required to work and are not considered paid on Sundays or rest days, special days and regular holidays. This simply means he is working Mondays to Saturdays.

Daily Rate = (Monthly Income x 12 months) / factor 313 days/year
where factor 313 days/year = A + B + C
where A =  298 ordinary working days (365 days/year -12 regular holiday - 52 rest days - 3 special holidays)
          B =  12 regular holidays
          D =  3 special days (if considered paid); if this is actually worked, this is equivalent to 3.9 days  (3 special days x 130%)

Daily Rate = (P 20,000.00 x 12) / 313
Daily Rate =  P 766.77

Factor 310 may be used instead of 313 if the 3 special holidays are not considered paid

3. If he is not required to work and are not considered paid on Saturdays and Sundays or rest days, special days and regular holidays. This simply means he is working Mondays to Fridays.
Daily Rate = (Monthly Income x 12 months) / factor 261 days/year 
where factor 261 days/year  = A + B + C
where A =  246 ordinary working days (365 days/year -12 regular holiday - 52 Saturdays - 52 rest days - 3 special holidays)
         B =  12 regular holidays 
         C =  3 special days (if considered paid); if this is actually worked, this is equivalent to 3.9 days  (3 special days x 130%)
Daily Rate = (P 20,000.00 x 12) / 261
Daily Rate =  P 919.54

Factor 258 may be used instead of 261 if the 3 special holidays are not considered paid

Did you find this post useful? Did you find the correct method your daily rate is computed? Share your thoughts in the comment box!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

How To Determine Your SSS Contribution

sss contribution

For Employed Member

Suppose a member has a monthly income of P 10,000.

Step 1 
Look for the "Range of Compensation" column and find the corresponding range of compensation of the member's monthly salary belongs to. 
how to computes sss employed member

Step 2
Head over to the "Total Contribution" and look for "EE" (Employee Contribution) to get your contribution. The corresponding employee's contribution is P 363.30. This is the amount that should be deducted and reflected in your payroll.
how to computes sss employed member

The employer, however, has a total contribution of P 746.70. This is from the monthly contribution of P 736.70 plus P 10.00 for the employee compensation program.

Further, the member's total contribution for the month will be P 1,110.00. This is the amount that should be reflected as the member's SSS contribution. 

For Self-Employed, Voluntary Member, and OFW

Suppose a member has a monthly income of P 10,000.

Step 1 
Look for the "Range of Compensation" column and find the corresponding range of compensation of the member's monthly salary belongs to. 
how to computes sss employed member

Step 2
Head over to SW/VM/OFW Total Contribution column. The corresponding employee's contribution is P 1,100.00. This is the amount the member will settle as his contribution.

Unlike an employed member, the member under this category will shoulder both the employee and employer's contributions.

Members with no monthly income may choose the amount he wish to pay as his monthly contribution.

Check out our online calculator here.


Q. Is e-cola considered in determining SSS contribution?
A. According to SSS, the monthly salary/basic pay is the only basis for determining SSS contribution. 

Q. How about Night Differential, Overtime, and Holiday pays?
A. No. Only basic pay is used. However, some employers practice to use the gross salary (ND, OT and HOLIDAY pay included) in determining the SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG distribution as this will decrease the amount of employee's withholding tax and at the same time increase the amount of your contribution.

Do you have additional information about this post? Share it on the comment box. :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Understanding SSS Table

New to SSS? Got problem understanding the contribution table? This guide will help you understand the purpose and definition of each field/column.

  1. Range of Compensation - the range where your monthly salary belongs
  2. Monthly Salary Credit - the compensation base for contributions and benefits related to the total earnings for the month
  3. Social Security Employer (ER) - Employer's contribution
  4. Social Security Employee (EE) - Employee's contribution
  5. EC-ER - represents contributions for the Employees’ Compensation Program which is a fund for work-connected injury, sickness, disability and death with cash income benefit, medical, rehabilitation and related services. The EC contribution is solely paid for by the employer
  6. Total Contribution - the sum of the employee and employer's contributions. This reflects your total contribution for the month
  7. SE/VM/OFW Total Contribution - Self-Employed, Voluntary Member, Overseas Filipino Worker column of contribution
2014 sss table

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