Understanding SSS Contribution Table
1. Range of Compensation - the range where your monthly salary belongs
2. Monthly Salary Credit - the compensation base for contributions and benefits related to the total earnings for the month
3. Social Security Employer (ER) - Employer's contribution
4. Social Security Employee (EE) - Employee's contribution
5. EC-ER - represents contributions for the Employees’ Compensation Program which is a fund for work-connected injury, sickness, disability and death with cash income benefit, medical, rehabilitation and related services. The EC contribution is solely paid for by the employer
6. Total Contribution - the sum of the employee and employer's contributions. This reflects your total contribution for the month.
7. SE/VM/OFW Total Contribution - Self-Employed, Voluntary Member, Overseas Filipino Worker column of contribution.
Knowing Your Contributions
A. For Employed Member
Step 1
Step 2
Head over to Total Contribution and look for EE (Employee) column to get your contribution. This is the amount that should be deducted in the payroll, which is Php 363.30.

The employer, however, has a total contribution of Php 746.70. This is from the monthly contribution of Php 736.70 plus Php 10.00 for the employee compensation program.
Further, the member's total contribution for the month will be Php 1,110.00. This is the amount that should be reflected as the member's SSS contribution.
B. For Self-Employed, Voluntary Member, and OFW
Step 1
Suppose the member has a monthly income of Php 10,000.00. Using the new SSS Table, look for the "Range of Compensation" column. Find the corresponding range of compensation the monthly salary belongs to.

Step 2
Head over to SW/VM/OFW Total Contribution column. This is the amount the member will settle as his contribution, which is Php 1,100.00.

Unlike the employed member, the member under this category will shoulder the employee and employer contributions.
Members with no monthly income may choose the amount he wish to pay as his monthly contribution.
For more information or questions, you may visit their website or contact SSS:
Call Center: 920-6446 to 55
Website: Social Security System
Email: member_relations@sss.gov.ph
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SSSPh
Free SSS Contribution Calculator
Try this interactive calculator to compute for your SSS contribution. Simply specify your monthly salary and membership status.
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